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Bussey-Saksida Touch Screen Operant Conditioning Chamber

Bussey-Saksida Touch Screen Operant Conditioning Chamber

Automated Open Field

Automated Open Field

The Activity System is an automated system used to observe, record, and analyze rodents’ locomotor and behavioral activity levels.

Zebrafish Automated Home Tank

Zebrafish Automated Home Tank

Rodent Tremor Monitor

Rodent Tremor Monitor

Operant Conditioning

Operant Conditioning

Metabolic Measurement System

Metabolic Measurement System

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Rodent Tag Scanner

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Rodent Tag Scanner

Rodent Head-Fixation System

Rodent Head-Fixation System

Rodent Trident Maze

Rodent Trident Maze

Three Choice Serial Reaction Time Task (3CSRTT)

Three Choice Serial Reaction Time Task (3CSRTT)

Rodent Dual Reward-Place Association Task

Rodent Dual Reward-Place Association Task

Rowed Cheeseboard Maze

Rowed Cheeseboard Maze

Octopus Three-Chambered Social Apparatus

Octopus Three-Chambered Social Apparatus

Concatenated Rodent Y-Maze

Concatenated Rodent Y-Maze

Y/T Rodent Maze

Y/T Rodent Maze

Rodent Olfactory Exploration Box

Rodent Olfactory Exploration Box

Rodent OX Maze

Rodent OX Maze

Rodent Open Topped Apparatus

split t maze

Split T Maze

Narrow Elevated Path Maze

The Narrow Elevated Path Maze is used to study spatial learning and memory in rodents.

Blocked Elevated maze

The Blocked Elevated Maze is an adaptation of the standard rodent T-Maze and the Elevated Plus Maze and comprises several elevated blocks arranged in a multiple T zigzag pattern.

Automated Skilled Forelimb

Drug discrimination test box

Drug Discrimination studies the stimulating properties of drugs.

Modified Oasis Maze

The morris water maze is a commonly used behavior maze. Have questions about undertaking this maze for your experiments? Consult our neuroscientists!

Sleep Deprivation Chamber

The Sleep Deprivation Chamber prevents REM sleep in rodents to explore sleep deprivation and associated behaviors

Neuwirth Hole Board Test™

Modified Flex Maze

Modified Flex Maze

Our Flex Maze gives the opportunity to create environments that challenge the spatial learning memory.

Neuwirth-Brown™ Attention Set-shift Test (ASST)


U Shaped 2 Choice Field

The U Shaped 2 Choice Field was used in an experiment to read out behavioral states of sociability in rodents. Learn more about it here.

Narrow Beam Apparatus

The narrow beam test examines the ability of a rat to cross a narrow, elevated beam of wood or other material.


Linear Maze

The Linear Maze was used to explore the neural basis of local enhancement effect of social observation in obtaining useful knowledge in rats.

Chronic Social Defeat Stress Test

Chronic Social Defeat Stress Test

The Chronic Social Defeat Stress cage setup was used for testing depression in mice using a chronic social defeat stress model. Learn more.


Inclined Plane Maze

The Inclined Plane Maze was used to determine the effect of different environments during infancy on adult behavior in the rat. Learn more about it here.


Rodent Tilt Apparatus

Rats Tilt Apparatus was used to test the relationship between the tilt of a visual field and the deviation of body position from the vertical in rats. Learn more here.


Suspended T-Maze

The suspended T-maze is a behavioral test used to assess spatial learning and memory in small rodents.


Cheeseboard Maze

Cheeseboard Maze is a circular acrylic board with drilled wells arranged in a radial pattern. It is used to test for spotlight learning and memory in rodents. Learn more here.

Six Arm Maze

The Six Arm Maze is used to study spatial learning and memory in rodents. It consists of geometrically similar, but visually distinct multiple U-shaped sequential arms connected to a linear track.


Long Arm Y-Maze

Long arm Y-maze is the modification of Y-maze which capitalizes on rodent’s inherent tendency to explore new places. Learn more about it here.

Height Test

The Height Test is used to observe rodent’s behavior when subjected to aversive, anxiogenic and novel situations using height as a determinant.

Olfactory Hole Board

The Olfactory Hole Board test is an adaptation of the classic Hole Board Test that is often used in the assessment of unconditioned behavior, cognition, and social interaction.

Double Y Angulated Maze consist of two Y mazes joined at the end of each tail

Double Y Angulated Maze

The Double Y Angulated Maze can be used in a study to test whether the hippocampus is essential for vicarious trial-and-errors (VTEs) in a spatial memory task and in a simple visual discrimination (VD) task.

Forced 2-Choice Maze

Forced 2-Choice Maze

The Forced 2-Choice Maze is used in behavioral task to train rodents to overcome their natural aversion of light.

Circular central platform T Maze offered by MazeEngineers is used in experiments to investigate spatial navigation in rodents

Circular Central Platform T Maze

The circular central platform T Maze offered by MazeEngineers is used in experiments to investigate spatial navigation in rodents.

Alley Maze

Alley Maze

The Alley maze is used to assess exploratory behavior in mice and rats. Learn more.

Hierarchal Maze

Hierarchal Maze

The Hierarchal maze is used to assess learning in mice and rats. Learn about the device and behavioral outcomes.

Social Interaction Test

Social Interaction Test

The social interaction test is a procedure for sociability testing in mice and rats. Get the procedure, protocol, and more information for your study here.

Double Bandit T Maze

Double Bandit T Maze

The Modified T-Maze task is a widely used apparatus designed for evaluating the decision-making process and behaviours in rodents.

Gap test is by Learoyd and Lifschitz is in rats, where they use their whiskers to judge whether the distance of an elevated gap is crossable

Gap Cross Test

The Gap Cross Test offered by MazeEngineers allows studying the chronic effects of whisker removal and traumatic brain injury.

Angle Entrance Task was devised for a diffuse brain injury rat model

Angle Entrance Task

Our adjustable Angle Entrance Task was created for a diffuse brain injury rat model.

Fictive Reward Maze is a learning task that involves studying and observing surroundings and making adaptive future choices accordingly

Fictive Reward

Our Fictive Reward task was developed for studying the ability of rats to make choices by considering all possible outcomes.

The cubic maze is used to compare the spatial cognitive ability of hummingbirds and rodents in a three-dimensional space

Cubic Maze

Explore all opportunities that offers our thought-out Cubic Maze for the interrogation of rodents in the horizontal and vertical axis.

Water E maze is a novel paradigm used to evaluate empathy and social behavior in rodents

Water E Maze

The Water E Maze is an exceptional tool that is capable of measuring conspecific empathetic motivation in rodents.

Double T Maze

Double T Maze

Double T Maze is a very effective tool that consists of two T mazes with a start box and allows to conduct a wide range of tests.

Whisker Guided Exploration

Whisker Guided Exploration

Use our cost-effective and easy-to-use Whisker guided exploration maze in your scientific experiments and collect precise information.

Social Cooperation Chamber

Social Cooperation Chamber

Social Cooperation Chamber offers the opportunity to carry out different experiments and collect data regarding social behaviour of rodents.

Elevated T-Maze represents a model of anxiety that can discern between panic disorder and general anxiety disorder

Elevated T Maze

Get Elevated T Maze that is the perfect tool for assessing anxiety, memory retention, and learning abilities of rodents and run diverse experiments.

Pawedness Trait Test (PaTRaT)

Pawedness Trait Test (PaTRaT)

Obtain reliable and reproducible results by using our Pawedness Trait Test that allows evaluation of the dexterity level, and paw preference in rodents.

Six Alley Task requires that the animal remember and select a correct arm out of a set of geometrically similar

Six Alley Maze

This tool helps to examine rodents ability to distinguish between the six alleys.

Four Box Maze

Four Box Maze is a thought-out novel tool to make you experiment more informative and successful.

The sentinel use of the I maze was to investigate the influence of habituation and drug treatments

I Maze

The I Maze is an ideal apparatus for the assessment of anxiety and exploratory behavior in rodents.

E Maze

Our E-maze was designed to assess episodic memories and to analyze diseases that are associated with memory loss.

H Maze

The H Maze is an automated apparatus that reduces the risk associated with the human factor. The maze is time-efficient and easy in exploitation.

Double Y-Maze is used in the evaluation of mnemonic functions in rodents

Double Y Maze

The Double Y maze is an efficient and well-designed device that offers the opportunity to evaluate multiple mnemonic abilities of rodents simultaneously.

Circular Light-Dark box (CLDB) consists of a circular alley with an inner and outer wall that is a variant of the light dark box

Circular Light-Dark box

Circular Light-Dark Box is a simple effective tool that helps to asses anxiety and fear-driven choices of rats between light and dark areas.

The four-compartment environment is made from acrylic and consists of four rectangular boxes.

W Maze

Order a well-designed and high-quality W Maze that consists of four rectangular boxes, and get the opportunity to conduct diverse tests.

Double H Maze

Double H Maze

Our innovative Double-H Maze enables researchers to assess spatial memory as well as learning and locomotor functions of the subjects.

Crossword Maze

The Crossword maze is a useful and easy-to-maintain apparatus that allows studding the spatial navigation and memory in rodents.

Mirror Biting Cattelan

Mirror Biting Cattelan is a well-designed tool that offers a significant advantage in studying of sociability of fishes. Order it and acquire more data.

Mirror Biting Pham

Mirror Biting Pham is a cost-effective and reliable apparatus for observing and assessing the social behaviours and phenotypes in fish.

Town Maze

Town Maze

Town maze is an advantageous tool that can be used in different experiment associated with animal spatial strategies in an urban environment.

Figure 8 Maze

Figure 8 Maze

Figure 8 Maze is a wildly used neurobehavioral test designed to carry out assessments of spatiotemporal learning and navigation abilities.



The sociobox consists of an acrylic apparatus with an outer ring of five rectangular removable boxes separated by fixed dividers surrounding a central open arena.

Flex Maze

Flex Maze

Our Flex Maze gives the opportunity to create environments that challenge the spatial learning memory.

Climbing Tower: Resistance Exercise System

The Mouse Resistance Exercise System is a simple tool that allows studying the effects of exercises on bone mass and strength of mice and rats.

Object Space Task

The Object Space Task is a multi-trial behavioral assay used to assess and track memory accumulation in the rodents.

Incline Rolling Ladder

Incline Rolling Ladder

Incline rolling ladder test is a novel test sensitive to tactile and proprioception sense.

Dry Morris Water Maze

The morris water maze is a commonly used behavior maze. Have questions about undertaking this maze for your experiments? Consult our neuroscientists!

Maze was first described in the literature by Sato et al (2017) for learning and memory

Lattice Maze

Create environments that will challenge spatial learning memory of subject using our well-designed Lattice Maze and run more informative tests.

Odor Span Test

The odor span apparatus tests the contribution of the hippocampus to normal memory capacity in rodents using location span tasks.

Grid Test

The Grid test is a simple tool created for studying the neuromuscular strength, motor behavioural performance and coordination in rodents.

Dig Task

The Dig task is an effective device created for studying cognitive dysfunction following traumatic brain injury or stroke.

Horizontal Grid Test

The Horizontal Grid was designed for the studying of neuromuscular strength and coordination in rodents.

Vertical Grid Test

The Vertical Grid test is an advantageous combination of the Horizontal Grid and Pole test. It allows studying of neuromuscular strength and coordination.

Stairway Test Apparatus originally described in the literature for MCAO stroke models in rats by Boltze et al (2006) in Germany

Stairway Test

Our thought-out and cost-effective Stairway test was created to measure motoric and sensoric functions and get precise data.

Triple Test Maze is an integration of three well-known tests of anxiety/emotionality

Triple Test Maze

The Triple Test Maze combines three tools and shows outstanding efficiency and reliability in the assessment of emotionality and explorative behaviors.

Hoarding behavior has been described in many places in the literature, however this variant reviewed by Deacon (2012) is the standard offered by MazeEngineers

Hoarding Apparatus

Hoarding apparatus is used to study a species-typical behavior manifested by transferring the food to secure place for later consumption.

Ladder Rewarded Elevated Plus Maze by Maze Engineers

Ladder Rewarded Elevated Plus Maze

The Ladder Rewarded Plus Maze is a thought-out tool that enables assessment of the place learning in rodents using reward motivation.

Magnetic self administration runway apparatus consists of parallel magnetic rails, set a few centimeters apart from each other

Magnetic Self Administration Runway

The magnetic runway is an easy-to-use and inexpensive tool for the studying of drug-seeking behaviour in animal models of drug abuse.

Marmosets should be housed in families with male/female pairs in cages with a dark nest-box hung in each cage

Marmoset Light Dark Box

Marmoset Light-Dark Box is a wildly-used reliable device for observing the light-dark preferences of the Marmoset primate.

Mazeengineers modification of the Y maze includes two removable rectangular wire grid cages for social interaction

Social Y Maze

Social Y-Maze is a straightforward and time-effective method for the evaluation of social interactions. It requires minimal training to perform the tests.

Elevated Asymmetric Plus maze is an apparatus first described by Ruarte et al (1997) as a method to encourage explorative behavior in the rat

Elevated Asymmetric Plus Maze

The Asymmetric Plus Maze is designed for evaluating the mechanisms of exploratory motivation and fear in rodents.

Win Stay Maze

Our Win-Stay maze helps to evaluate neural activity associated with memory and learning in subjects. This tool simplifies the data collection.

3D Open Field apparatus consists of an open, elevated platform with two opposite ends equipped with mesh slopes that are capable of being positioned at varying angles

3D Open Field

The 3D Open Field apparatus consists of an open, elevated platform with two opposite ends equipped with mesh slopes that are capable of being positioned at varying angles to create different combinations of the apparatus setup.

Two problem T maze used by Granon et al (1994) in working memory investigations

Two Problem T Maze

The Two Problem T Maze can be used for investigation of the relationship between prelimbic lesions and working memory in rats.

Mirror Biting Elwood

Mirror tests are a popular method used in studies of agonistic interaction, especially in fish aggression studies as they require fewer participants and avoid pseudo-replication.

Mirror Biting Balzarini tests are a popular method used in studies of agonistic interaction

Mirror Biting Balzarini

Mirror Biting Balzarini was created for observation and evaluation of the aggressive behaviour demonstrated by fishes towards their opponents.

Mirror biting tests are used to assess the aggression displayed by fishes towards their interspecific and intraspecific opponents

Mirror Biting

Mirror tests are a popular method used in studies of agonistic interaction, especially in fish aggression studies as they require fewer participants and avoid pseudo-replication.

Mirror Chamber Version 2

Mirror Chamber Version 2 offers great opportunities to investigate the anxiety in rodents.

Continuous Novel Object Recognition by Maze Engineers

Continuous Novel Object Recognition

The Continuous Novel Object Recognition is a unique apparatus for complex recognition tasks that allows collecting more data while using fewer subjects.

Emergence Test

Rodents are placed in a closed opaque cylinder that is set within an open field and secured to prevent rolling

Delayed Matching to Place (DMP) Barnes Maze

Our Delayed Matching To Place Barnes Maze that enables assessment of spatial working and episodic-like learning and memory.

Spatial Reorientation

Learn more about the Spatial reorientation test that offers the insight into the specificity of the processes underlying spatial navigation.

Escape Hole Radial Arm Maze

The Escape Hole Radial Arm Maze is an innovative, effective test for evaluating spatial memory and cognition in cerebral ischemia murine model.

Controlled Y Maze

Controlled Y Maze

This Y-maze apparatus variant is smaller (about half the size) of the traditional y maze and comes with a single door.

Randomized Barnes

The Modified Barnes Maze was designed to conduct a more accurate assessment of spatial cognition in rodents. Request it and collect precise information.

Ziggurat Task

Ziggurat Task

Ziggurat Task is an innovative and efficient behavioral test that allows subjects to explore the open field thereby reducing their anxiety.

Zebrafish bifurcating T maze has been described in the literature as a screening test for the role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in Zebrafish

Zebrafish Bifurcating T Maze

The Zebrafish bifurcating T maze has been described in the literature as a screening test for the role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in Zebrafish.

Novel Object Recognition Assay

Novel Object Recognition Assay

Novel Object Recognition test is an ideal method to measure short-term or working memory through discrimination between familiar and unfamiliar stimuli.

Mirror Chamber Test

The popular and effective Mirror Chamber task offered by MazeEngineers enables a simple evaluation of anxiety-related behaviours in rodents.

Tilt Ladder

Tilt Ladder

Tilt Ladder has a well-established efficiency in assessment of the effects of static load leading to chronic adaptation of the vascular system.

Multivariate Concentric Square Field Test

Multivariate Concentric Square Field Test

Multivariate Concentric Square Field is an innovative task that allows for studying the risk assessment, anxiety, and shelter seeking behavior in rodents.

Self Administration Runway

Self Administration Runway

The Self-administration runway is a straightforward and easy-to-use apparatus that was created for the assessment of motivational behaviour in rodents.

MWM Open Field Tower by Maze Engineers

MWM Open Field Tower

The open-field tower maze (OFTM) is a unique behavioral task in neuroscience used to examine the nature and mechanism of spatial learning and memory in rodents; with specific emphasis on place- and response-learning.

Stress Alternatives Model Maze

Stress Alternatives Model Maze

The Stress alternatives model maze is a widely used apparatus that is efficient in evaluation of the rodent’s behavior in stressful situations.

Continuous Angled T Maze

Continuous Angled T Maze

The Continuous Angled T-Maze is an effective tool for assessing the spatial orientation and episodic memories in rats.

FTIR Walkway

Get our flexible, automated apparatus FTIR Walkway that will help you to collect accurate data and to reduce the risk of human associated errors.

Morris Water Straight Swim Channel

Morris Water Straight Swim Channel

The Straight Swim Channel assists in training rodents. The channel is designed to only allow straight swimming to the designated target.

Morris Water Snowcone

The MazeEngineers Snowcone Morris Water Maze modification utilizes the MWM as a base. It comes with two stainless steel inserts to fit the Morris Water Maze

Morris Water Radial Tread

The  MazeEngineers Radial Water Tread Maze modification utilizes the MWM as a base. Our modification of this maze comes with nine exits, each 1.5 in above the apparatus floor.


Hairpin Maze

The Hairpin maze is a unique maze has been described in the literature for studying grid place cells.

Rondi Reig Star Maze

The original Star maze was described in the literature by Dr. Laure Rondi-Reig as a method to study spatial navigation and its two different orientation systems, allocentric and egocentric navigation.

3D Radial Arm Maze

The 3D Radial Arm Maze is an innovative tool that allows assessing the underlying neural mechanisms of anxiety responses in rodents.

Visual cliff test is used for visualization of preceived barriers

Visual Cliff Test

The visual cliff test is used for visualization of preceived barriers. Comes with chamber for visual cliff testing, sized for both mice and rats.

Mechanical Conflict Test

Mechanical Conflict Test

Bowtie mazes are used for a variety of choice experiments for mice and rats

Bowtie Mazes

Bowtie mazes are used for a variety of choice experiments for mice and rats. We offer two separate models frequently used and cited in the literature

Lashley III

The Lashley III maze is a test used for learning and memory. It utilizes a low-stress environment and looks into route learning of a maze

Successive alleys test is a novel anxiety test that utilizes fear of open spaces as an assay

Successive Alleys

The Successive alleys test is a novel anxiety test that utilizes fear of open spaces as an assay. The most distal regions are white, open and narrow

Mammalian Diving Response Apparatus

Perform your scientific experiment and collect useful data by means of The Mammalian Diving Response designed to evaluate diving reflexes in rodents.

Repeated Acquisition and Performance Chamber

Repeated Acquisition and Performance Chamber

The Repeated Acquisition and Performance Chamber from MazeEngineers (RAPC for short) is an acrylic device with a start and end goal box.

Maze Engineers learned helplessness apparatus is designed to maximize your time

Learned Helplessness

Learned Helplessness chamber with contextual plating. Consistent shock.

Hebb-Williams Maze is a behavioral task used for studying spatial working memory animals

Hebb Williams

The Hebb-Williams Maze is a behavioral task used for studying spatial working memory animals.

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