We’ll work hard to help you succeed
Getting preclinical science right is my passion.
Hard-working neuroscientists across the world dedicate themselves to creating therapies that impact clinical care. However, pre-clinical science has a problem, as Leonard Freedman and his colleagues made clear: the non-reproducibility rates of preclinical research exceeds 50%, resulting in an estimated 28 BILLION PER YEAR in wasted funds.
I first learned about pre-clinical sciences through the novel object recognition test. I would spend countless hours guessing if my C56Bl/J was demonstrating exploratory behavior (and likely causing a great deal of anxiety in them while doing so). I thought that there was no way this was how we were figuring out new therapeutics for stroke, TBI, Alzheimer’s and all of humanity’s biggest challenges.  There must have been a better way. So here are my solutions:
- Make unique mazes at the exact same cost as off the shelf ones. This way, it fits exactly what you need. I’ve seen mazes too small for strains, lingering odors cues stuck in hard to clean areas, and other major design flaws that affect reproducibility. Also, unique mazes help you publish new protocol papers and standards if you have an idea. I think this key in furthering the techniques used in neurobehavior.
- Well designed modular mazes: They’re quiet, non reflective, and modular, so you can add rewards, punishments, activity wheels/treadmills, and anything in your imagination. We put it together in the factory before shipping it to you so its easy and convenient.
- Smart Mazes: we create algorithms that help the maze function based on a rodent’s choices in real time. Rodents can modulate how the experiments run based on their current performance. Imagine the possibilities of a smart maze dueling with your rodent.
- Video Integration: We have also partnered with the best video grading company in the world. Using Noldus Ethovision as an input, we can create changes in the environment, meaning light cycles, rewards, and punishments can be delivered based on distance traveled, and other real time activity.
I am currently a resident Physician at the Harvard Massachusetts General Hospital/Brigham and Women’s Hospital in the Emergency Department. Everything I’ve learned has been through lessons from patients and colleagues. I have had the privilege to learn from some of the smartest, most intelligent scientists in the world and earned the right to help them in their work with Maze Engineers. Now I want to help you.
All in One
- Acrylics and metal working
- Literature Research
- Software Automation
- Hardware Automation
- Integration with Noldus Ethovision
See our unique manufacturing innovations in work, and take a tour through our factory.
Scientific Expertise
- Neurological Disease models
- Physiological pathologies (CHF, Sepsis, etc)
- Species specific mazes
- Learning and Anxiety
- Pain, temperature modalities
Our commitment to science
Worldwide Customers and Partnerships
- Academic Groups
- Behavior Cores
- Military Research Institutions
- Pharmaceutical Groups
- Private Laboratories
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Working as fast as possible, for you
- Same day responses, guaranteed. (Usually <1 hour)
- 2-4 week delivery time
See an Automated T maze in Action
Click To Play