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Discover Anxiety and Depression

Rodent Open Topped Apparatus

Sleep Deprivation Chamber

The Sleep Deprivation Chamber prevents REM sleep in rodents to explore sleep deprivation and associated behaviors

Neuwirth Hole Board Testâ„¢

Chronic Social Defeat Stress Test

Chronic Social Defeat Stress Test

The Chronic Social Defeat Stress cage setup was used for testing depression in mice using a chronic social defeat stress model. Learn more.

The sentinel use of the I maze was to investigate the influence of habituation and drug treatments

I Maze

The I Maze is an ideal apparatus for the assessment of anxiety and exploratory behavior in rodents.

Circular Light-Dark box (CLDB) consists of a circular alley with an inner and outer wall that is a variant of the light dark box

Circular Light-Dark box

Circular Light-Dark Box is a simple effective tool that helps to asses anxiety and fear-driven choices of rats between light and dark areas.

Triple Test Maze is an integration of three well-known tests of anxiety/emotionality

Triple Test Maze

The Triple Test Maze combines three tools and shows outstanding efficiency and reliability in the assessment of emotionality and explorative behaviors.

Hoarding behavior has been described in many places in the literature, however this variant reviewed by Deacon (2012) is the standard offered by MazeEngineers

Hoarding Apparatus

Hoarding apparatus is used to study a species-typical behavior manifested by transferring the food to secure place for later consumption.

Ladder Rewarded Elevated Plus Maze by Maze Engineers

Ladder Rewarded Elevated Plus Maze

The Ladder Rewarded Plus Maze is a thought-out tool that enables assessment of the place learning in rodents using reward motivation.

Visual cliff test is used for visualization of preceived barriers

Visual Cliff Test

The visual cliff test is used for visualization of preceived barriers. Comes with chamber for visual cliff testing, sized for both mice and rats.

Successive alleys test is a novel anxiety test that utilizes fear of open spaces as an assay

Successive Alleys

The Successive alleys test is a novel anxiety test that utilizes fear of open spaces as an assay. The most distal regions are white, open and narrow

Maze Engineers learned helplessness apparatus is designed to maximize your time

Learned Helplessness

Learned Helplessness chamber with contextual plating. Consistent shock.

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