
Real-Time Place Preference Chamber

Conditioned Place Preference Bechara 1987

Conditioned Place Preference Calcagnetti 1996

Conditioned Place Preference Suzuki 1995a

Conditioned Place Preference Bienkowski 1997b

Conditioned Place Preference Spyraki 1988 – 2

Conditioned Place Preference Isaac 1989

Conditioned Place Preference Kelsey 1989

Conditioned Place Preference Shippenberg 1988b

Conditioned Place Preference Mucha 1985

Conditioned Place Preference Gong 1995

Conditioned Place Preference Hiroi 1991a

Conditioned Place Preference Bechara 1992

Conditioned Place Preference Nadar 1994

Conditioned Place Preference Stefurak 1994

Conditioned Place Preference Parker 1995

Conditioned Place Preference Olmstead 1994

Conditioned Place Preference Olmstead 1994

Conditioned Place Preference Macky 1986

Conditioned Place Preference Tzschentke 1998

Conditioned Place Preference Hiroi 1991

Conditioned Place Preference Brown 1993

Effects of medial dorsal thalamic and ventral pallidal lesions on the acquisition of a conditioned place preference

Conditioned Place Preference Mcalonan 1993

Conditioned Place Preference Kelsey 1994

Conditioned Place Preference Kelsey 1994

Conditioned Place Preference Everitt 1991

Conditioned Place Preference Everitt 1991

Conditioned Place Preference Olmstead 1997

Conditioned Place Preference Olmstead 1996

Conditioned Place Preference Olmstead 1996

Conditioned Place Preference Martin Iverson 1985

Conditioned Place Preference Nadar 1996

Conditioned Place Preference Hemby 1992

Conditioned Place Preference Carr 1983