Connects your Science
Integrative Software
Easily move and share data around your lab and with your colleagues for easy maze control or analysis. Data is exported in CSV or Excel files for easy analysis.
Conductor software is free, you only pay for the integration modules you need for your apparatus and software requirements such as video tracking software etc.
Conductor can easily be customized to your lab’s needs and apparatus. Customize multiple parameters to your studies such as the number of trials, trial time, cues such as lights, sound, and shock, and rewards.
Case Study: Five Choice Serial Time Reaction Task (5CSRTT)
See what Conductor software can do with our apparatus, starring our Five Choice Serial Time Reaction Task (5CSRTT).
The software provides the front-end users to configure and run experiments. Historical data is saved.
- Current Result Status: Shows the protocol name, result name, protocol run start time, complete time and run status.
- Trial Result: Shows the trial result for each cage and each trial. The columns include: Start time, Lighted Aperture, ITI, Response, Poked Aperture, Latency to Response, Latency to Reward and trial duration.
- Summary Result: Display the statistics of trials for each cage. The columns include the count and percentage of each response (correct, premature, incorrect and omission).
- Sequential Activity: Display detailed activities for each trial. This will help to understand the sequence of the animal events and system actions.