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Stone T Maze
The Hampton Court Maze is a reliable tool for observing the spatial learning and behaviour in rodents.

Bussey-Saksida Touch Screen Operant Conditioning Chamber

Operant Conditioning

Rodent Dual Reward-Place Association Task

Rowed Cheeseboard Maze

Concatenated Rodent Y-Maze

Y/T Rodent Maze

Rodent Olfactory Exploration Box

Rodent OX Maze

Split T Maze

Narrow Elevated Path Maze
The Narrow Elevated Path Maze is used to study spatial learning and memory in rodents.

Blocked Elevated maze
The Blocked Elevated Maze is an adaptation of the standard rodent T-Maze and the Elevated Plus Maze and comprises several elevated blocks arranged in a multiple T zigzag pattern.

Modified Oasis Maze
The morris water maze is a commonly used behavior maze. Have questions about undertaking this maze for your experiments? Consult our neuroscientists!

Neuwirth-Brown™ Attention Set-shift Test (ASST)

Narrow Beam Apparatus
The narrow beam test examines the ability of a rat to cross a narrow, elevated beam of wood or other material.

Inclined Plane Maze
The Inclined Plane Maze was used to determine the effect of different environments during infancy on adult behavior in the rat. Learn more about it here.

Suspended T-Maze
The suspended T-maze is a behavioral test used to assess spatial learning and memory in small rodents.

Cheeseboard Maze
Cheeseboard Maze is a circular acrylic board with drilled wells arranged in a radial pattern. It is used to test for spotlight learning and memory in rodents. Learn more here.

Six Arm Maze
The Six Arm Maze is used to study spatial learning and memory in rodents. It consists of geometrically similar, but visually distinct multiple U-shaped sequential arms connected to a linear track.

Height Test
The Height Test is used to observe rodent’s behavior when subjected to aversive, anxiogenic and novel situations using height as a determinant.

Olfactory Hole Board
The Olfactory Hole Board test is an adaptation of the classic Hole Board Test that is often used in the assessment of unconditioned behavior, cognition, and social interaction.

Double Y Angulated Maze
The Double Y Angulated Maze can be used in a study to test whether the hippocampus is essential for vicarious trial-and-errors (VTEs) in a spatial memory task and in a simple visual discrimination (VD) task.

Forced 2-Choice Maze
The Forced 2-Choice Maze is used in behavioral task to train rodents to overcome their natural aversion of light.

Circular Central Platform T Maze
The circular central platform T Maze offered by MazeEngineers is used in experiments to investigate spatial navigation in rodents.

Hierarchal Maze
The Hierarchal maze is used to assess learning in mice and rats. Learn about the device and behavioral outcomes.

Double Bandit T Maze
The Modified T-Maze task is a widely used apparatus designed for evaluating the decision-making process and behaviours in rodents.

Gap Cross Test
The Gap Cross Test offered by MazeEngineers allows studying the chronic effects of whisker removal and traumatic brain injury.

Angle Entrance Task
Our adjustable Angle Entrance Task was created for a diffuse brain injury rat model.

Fictive Reward
Our Fictive Reward task was developed for studying the ability of rats to make choices by considering all possible outcomes.

Elevated T Maze
Get Elevated T Maze that is the perfect tool for assessing anxiety, memory retention, and learning abilities of rodents and run diverse experiments.

Six Alley Maze
This tool helps to examine rodents ability to distinguish between the six alleys.

Four Box Maze
Four Box Maze is a thought-out novel tool to make you experiment more informative and successful.

E Maze
Our E-maze was designed to assess episodic memories and to analyze diseases that are associated with memory loss.

H Maze
The H Maze is an automated apparatus that reduces the risk associated with the human factor. The maze is time-efficient and easy in exploitation.

Double Y Maze
The Double Y maze is an efficient and well-designed device that offers the opportunity to evaluate multiple mnemonic abilities of rodents simultaneously.

W Maze
Order a well-designed and high-quality W Maze that consists of four rectangular boxes, and get the opportunity to conduct diverse tests.

Double H Maze
Our innovative Double-H Maze enables researchers to assess spatial memory as well as learning and locomotor functions of the subjects.

Crossword Maze
The Crossword maze is a useful and easy-to-maintain apparatus that allows studding the spatial navigation and memory in rodents.

Town Maze
Town maze is an advantageous tool that can be used in different experiment associated with animal spatial strategies in an urban environment.

Object Space Task
The Object Space Task is a multi-trial behavioral assay used to assess and track memory accumulation in the rodents.

Dry Morris Water Maze
The morris water maze is a commonly used behavior maze. Have questions about undertaking this maze for your experiments? Consult our neuroscientists!

Lattice Maze
Create environments that will challenge spatial learning memory of subject using our well-designed Lattice Maze and run more informative tests.

Odor Span Test
The odor span apparatus tests the contribution of the hippocampus to normal memory capacity in rodents using location span tasks.

Dig Task
The Dig task is an effective device created for studying cognitive dysfunction following traumatic brain injury or stroke.

Magnetic Self Administration Runway
The magnetic runway is an easy-to-use and inexpensive tool for the studying of drug-seeking behaviour in animal models of drug abuse.

Win Stay Maze
Our Win-Stay maze helps to evaluate neural activity associated with memory and learning in subjects. This tool simplifies the data collection.

Two Problem T Maze
The Two Problem T Maze can be used for investigation of the relationship between prelimbic lesions and working memory in rats.

Mirror Chamber Version 2
Mirror Chamber Version 2 offers great opportunities to investigate the anxiety in rodents.

Delayed Matching to Place (DMP) Barnes Maze
Our Delayed Matching To Place Barnes Maze that enables assessment of spatial working and episodic-like learning and memory.

Spatial Reorientation
Learn more about the Spatial reorientation test that offers the insight into the specificity of the processes underlying spatial navigation.

Escape Hole Radial Arm Maze
The Escape Hole Radial Arm Maze is an innovative, effective test for evaluating spatial memory and cognition in cerebral ischemia murine model.

Controlled Y Maze
This Y-maze apparatus variant is smaller (about half the size) of the traditional y maze and comes with a single door.

Randomized Barnes
The Modified Barnes Maze was designed to conduct a more accurate assessment of spatial cognition in rodents. Request it and collect precise information.

Ziggurat Task
Ziggurat Task is an innovative and efficient behavioral test that allows subjects to explore the open field thereby reducing their anxiety.

Mirror Chamber Test
The popular and effective Mirror Chamber task offered by MazeEngineers enables a simple evaluation of anxiety-related behaviours in rodents.

Multivariate Concentric Square Field Test
Multivariate Concentric Square Field is an innovative task that allows for studying the risk assessment, anxiety, and shelter seeking behavior in rodents.

Self Administration Runway
The Self-administration runway is a straightforward and easy-to-use apparatus that was created for the assessment of motivational behaviour in rodents.

Continuous Angled T Maze
The Continuous Angled T-Maze is an effective tool for assessing the spatial orientation and episodic memories in rats.

Morris Water Straight Swim Channel
The Straight Swim Channel assists in training rodents. The channel is designed to only allow straight swimming to the designated target.

Morris Water Snowcone
The MazeEngineers Snowcone Morris Water Maze modification utilizes the MWM as a base. It comes with two stainless steel inserts to fit the Morris Water Maze

Morris Water Radial Tread
The MazeEngineers Radial Water Tread Maze modification utilizes the MWM as a base. Our modification of this maze comes with nine exits, each 1.5 in above the apparatus floor.

Hairpin Maze
The Hairpin maze is a unique maze has been described in the literature for studying grid place cells.

3D Radial Arm Maze
The 3D Radial Arm Maze is an innovative tool that allows assessing the underlying neural mechanisms of anxiety responses in rodents.

Bowtie Mazes
Bowtie mazes are used for a variety of choice experiments for mice and rats. We offer two separate models frequently used and cited in the literature

Lashley III
The Lashley III maze is a test used for learning and memory. It utilizes a low-stress environment and looks into route learning of a maze

Hebb Williams
The Hebb-Williams Maze is a behavioral task used for studying spatial working memory animals.