Whisker Guided Exploration

Whisker Guided Exploration

Social Cooperation Chamber

Social Cooperation Chamber

Ant Binary Tree Maze

Morris Water Maze Round Arena

Morris Water Maze Round Arena

Zebrafish Sociability

Zebrafish Sociability

Morris Water Maze Pretraining Chamber Maze Engineers

Morris Water Maze Pretraining Chamber

Ant Y-maze as the name suggests is Y shaped, with two symmetrical arms and one longitudinal section

Ant Y Maze

Ant T-maze is used to evaluate the social, spatial, and cognitive behaviors of ants

Ant T maze

Visual X Maze (ViS4M)

Elevated T-Maze represents a model of anxiety that can discern between panic disorder and general anxiety disorder

Elevated T Maze

Pawedness Trait Test (PaTRaT)

Pawedness Trait Test (PaTRaT)

Planaria Y Maze

Six Alley Task requires that the animal remember and select a correct arm out of a set of geometrically similar

Six Alley Maze

Four Box Maze

Ant Colony Maze

Dog Canine Radial Arm Maze

Bat Extended Maze is a crawling maze to test cognition within multiple species of genus Myotis

Bat Extended Maze

Ant Double Bifurcation T

Sheep T Maze

The sentinel use of the I maze was to investigate the influence of habituation and drug treatments

I Maze

E Maze

H Maze

Double Y-Maze is used in the evaluation of mnemonic functions in rodents

Double Y Maze

Circular Light-Dark box (CLDB) consists of a circular alley with an inner and outer wall that is a variant of the light dark box

Circular Light-Dark box

The four-compartment environment is made from acrylic and consists of four rectangular boxes.

W Maze

Double H Maze

Double H Maze

Bee Radial Arm

Crossword Maze

Mirror Biting Cattelan

Mirror Biting Pham