A Rodent Cubic Maze is a type of behavioral test used to assess spatial learning and memory in rodents. The maze consists of a series of interconnected cubes or boxes that the animal must navigate to reach a reward. The layout of the maze can be changed and the position of the reward can be varied to adjust the difficulty of the task. The behavior of the animal as it moves through the maze, such as the number of errors made and the time taken to reach the reward, is recorded and analyzed. This test can provide insight into the animal’s ability to learn and remember the location of a hidden goal and navigate through a complex environment and can be used to study the effects of various treatments, such as drugs or manipulations of the brain, on these abilities. The Rodent Cubic Maze is a commonly used tool in behavioral neuroscience research to study spatial learning and memory processes.

The sentinel use of the cubic maze was for comparing rats vs. hummingbirds in their ability to navigate both the horizontal vs. vertical planes based on the modality of transportation. This interesting apparatus allows for the interrogation of rodents in the horizontal and vertical axis and can be baited with sucrose reward throughout multiple locations.

Sizing for mice, rats, and hummingbirds is available. Customization is possible upon request. Multiple colors are available.

Price & Dimensions


$ 1890

one maze
  • 1 unit Arm Length: 25 cm
  • 1 unit Arm Width: 25 cm
  • 1 unit Arm Height: 2 cm
  • Number of units: 21 (3 x 3 x 3)