Hen T Maze

Diamond Maze was used in an experiment by Hassan M. H. Mustafa et al. (2018), to compare binary choice between two nests in ants

Diamond Maze

Path Regularity Mazes are used to assess learning and memory in bees

Path Regularity Mazes

Bat Y-Maze which is shaped like a capital Y was used in an experiment to assess social preference in bats

Bat Y-Maze

Forced 2-Choice Maze

Forced 2-Choice Maze

Zebrafish plus maze is a “+” shaped maze that contains four end compartments and one central compartment

Zebrafish Plus Maze

Predation Pressure Apparatus

Predation Pressure Apparatus

Psyllid Y-Maze

Psyllid Y-Maze


The Lobster maze (effect of immediate prior experience)

Bumblebee Y-Maze

Cuttlefish T Maze is used to access spatial cognition in cuttlefish

Cuttlefish T-Maze

Circular central platform T Maze offered by MazeEngineers is used in experiments to investigate spatial navigation in rodents

Circular Central Platform T Maze

Caterpillar Y-maze is Y shaped, with two symmetrical arms and one longitudinal section

Caterpillar Y-Maze

Mazeengineers offers the robotic cylindrical maze for both mice and rats. Custom coloring and customization are available upon request.

Robotic Cylindrical Maze

Cyborg maze was created by Yu Y et al. (2016), in an experiment carried out to demonstrate how rat cyborgs can expedite the maze escape task with the integration of machine intelligence

Cyborg Maze

Alley Maze

Alley Maze

Hierarchal Maze

Hierarchal Maze


Zebrafish Shuttle Box

MazeEngineers Light Dark Tank for Zebrafish is an acrylic tank

Zebrafish Light Dark

Zebrafish Black White Preference

Zebrafish Black White Preference

Social Interaction Test

Social Interaction Test

OroFacial Pain Assessment Device (OPAD)

OroFacial Pain Assessment Device (OPAD)

Double Bandit T Maze

Double Bandit T Maze

Gap test is by Learoyd and Lifschitz is in rats, where they use their whiskers to judge whether the distance of an elevated gap is crossable

Gap Cross Test

Angle Entrance Task was devised for a diffuse brain injury rat model

Angle Entrance Task

Fictive Reward Maze is a learning task that involves studying and observing surroundings and making adaptive future choices accordingly

Fictive Reward

The cubic maze is used to compare the spatial cognitive ability of hummingbirds and rodents in a three-dimensional space

Hummingbird Cubic Maze

The cubic maze is used to compare the spatial cognitive ability of hummingbirds and rodents in a three-dimensional space

Cubic Maze

Water E maze is a novel paradigm used to evaluate empathy and social behavior in rodents

Water E Maze

Double T Maze

Double T Maze