Visual cliff test is used for visualization of preceived barriers

Visual Cliff Test

Bowtie mazes are used for a variety of choice experiments for mice and rats

Bowtie Mazes

Lashley III

Successive alleys test is a novel anxiety test that utilizes fear of open spaces as an assay

Successive Alleys

MazeEngineers social defeat apparatus comes with two social defeat cages, an arena, and a clear divider for use in the home cage

Social Defeat Apparatus

Tube Dominance Test

Mammalian Diving Response Apparatus

Skilled forelimb reaching task is a widely used motor assessment for mice and rats

Skilled Forelimb Test

IDED Operant Chamber

Automated Hole Board

Automated Hole Board

Automated Conditioned Place Preference

Automated Conditioned Place Preference

Parallel Rod Test

Parallel Rod Test

The Aron test or four plates test (FPT) is an animal model of anxiety based on spontaneous response

Aron’s Test

Thermal Gradient

The geotaxis test is used to investigate motor coordination and vestibular sensitivity in rodents

Geotaxis Test

Body Turning Test

Repeated Acquisition and Performance Chamber

Repeated Acquisition and Performance Chamber

The Vogel test is a classic protocol where rodent subjects are water deprived and then placed in the an apparatus

Vogel’s Test

Morris Water Maze Heater


Automated Morris Water Maze Platform

Radial Arm Water Maze


Active/Passive Avoidance Shuttle Box

Maze Engineers learned helplessness apparatus is designed to maximize your time

Learned Helplessness

Fear Conditioning

Rotarod is a widely used behavioral task to assess motor performance in rodents using the natural fear of falling as motivation


Hole Board is a behavioral test used in neuroscience to assess multiple aspects of unconditioned behavior

Hole Board

Hebb-Williams Maze is a behavioral task used for studying spatial working memory animals

Hebb Williams

The Automated Y maze is an enclosed apparatus in the form of a Y placed horizontally

Automated Y Maze