Mazeengineers modification of the Y maze includes two removable rectangular wire grid cages for social interaction

Social Y Maze

Elevated Asymmetric Plus maze is an apparatus first described by Ruarte et al (1997) as a method to encourage explorative behavior in the rat

Elevated Asymmetric Plus Maze

Win Stay Maze

Sensory Control Of The White Rat In The Maze Habit

Dennis 1929: The Sensory Control of the White Rat in the Maze Habit

3D Open Field apparatus consists of an open, elevated platform with two opposite ends equipped with mesh slopes that are capable of being positioned at varying angles

3D Open Field

Bee Spatial Reorientation test apparatus is helpful in evaluating the navigational and sensory mechanism adopted by invertebrates to reorient themselves

Bee Spatial Reorientation

Triple Horizontal Bars Maze Engineers

Triple Horizontal Bars

Static Rods Test

Parallel Bars task is used in measuring and determining motor capabilities

Parallel Bars

Two problem T maze used by Granon et al (1994) in working memory investigations

Two Problem T Maze

Zebrafish Y Maze - Maze Engineers

Zebrafish Y Maze

Mirror Biting Elwood

Mirror Biting Balzarini tests are a popular method used in studies of agonistic interaction

Mirror Biting Balzarini

Mirror biting tests are used to assess the aggression displayed by fishes towards their interspecific and intraspecific opponents

Mirror Biting

Maze Engineers Puzzle Box

Puzzle Box

Drosophila Shallow Chamber

Zebrafish Y maze combines an LCD screen underneath the main Y maze apparatus as described by Aoki et al (2014)

Zebrafish Y Maze Avoidance

Continuous Novel Object Recognition by Maze Engineers

Continuous Novel Object Recognition

Emergence Test

Delayed Matching to Place (DMP) Barnes Maze

Spatial Reorientation

Escape Hole Radial Arm Maze

Controlled Y Maze

Controlled Y Maze

Tridimensional Maze

Randomized Barnes

Morris Water Plus Maze Insert

Zebrafish bifurcating T maze has been described in the literature as a screening test for the role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in Zebrafish

Zebrafish Bifurcating T Maze

Morris Water Y Maze

Morris Water Maze Float Platform

Morris Water Maze Release Device

Morris Water Maze Release Device