Activity cage is a thought-out apparatus that allows for a reliable estimation of the circadian system in rodents.
Social Approach Avoidance
Activity cage is a thought-out apparatus that allows for a reliable estimation of the circadian system in rodents.
Barnes Maze
The Barnes maze is a circular maze designed to test visual spatial learning and memory for mice and rats.
Pasta Matrix Reaching Task
Parallel Beam Task
The parallel beam task is commonly used to assess motor deficits in laboratory rodents.
Circular Hole Board
A hole board apparatus with removable inserts and easy cleaning. Affordable for your budget. Great exploration data for the best price.
Activity Hole Board
Automated hole board system is used for the detection of nose poke behaviour in the open field environment with maximum flexibility.
Pole Test
The Ant Visual Discrimination Y-Maze creates a simple two-choice environment to allow the evaluation of foraging behaviors in the presence of different visual cues.
Rodent Metabolic Treadmill
The Treadmill is a noiseless, customizable and well-designed test for activity experiments. it allows for the simultaneous testing of multiple animals.
Circular Open Field
Open Field test is a popular protocol used to assess exploratory behavior and anxiety.
Visual Cliff Apparatus
The Visual Cliff Apparatus was used to study if the reduction of the ATPase inhibitory factor 1(IF1) leads to visual impairment in vertebrates. Learn more.
Sucrose Preference Test Apparatus
The Sucrose Preference Test Apparatus was used for sucrose preference test for measurement of stress-induced anhedonia in mice. Learn more here.
The Narrow Elevated Path Maze is used to study spatial learning and memory in rodents.
Blocked Elevated maze
The Blocked Elevated Maze is an adaptation of the standard rodent T-Maze and the Elevated Plus Maze and comprises several elevated blocks arranged in a multiple T zigzag pattern.
Modified Oasis Maze
The morris water maze is a commonly used behavior maze. Have questions about undertaking this maze for your experiments? Consult our neuroscientists!