Rodent Hot Plate Pain Assay

Rodent Hot Plate Pain Assay

Hargreaves Plantar test apparatus is composed of emitter/detector vessel controlled by a controller that allows the manipulation of the intensity of heat

Plantar Test Hargreave’s Apparatus

Maze was first described in the literature by Sato et al (2017) for learning and memory

Lattice Maze

Burrowing is a sensitive behavioural assay in which mice or rats spontaneously empty a tube filled with food pellets

Burrowing Tube

Empathy Assay comes with two key components: A double chambered acrylic chamber with two foot shock controlled grids, each of which can be controlled independently with our free Conductor Software

Empathy Assay

Radial Arm Number Variants

Grip Strength Test

Rodent Hot/Cold Plate Pain Assay

Finger groove maze is an octagonal transparent Plexiglas with 8 radial arms

Finger Groove Maze

Radial Arm Length Variants

Odor Span Test

Grid Test

Dig Task

Double Alternation Spatial Maze

Maze Engineer’s Modern Version of Small’s Hampton Court Maze

Hampton Court Maze

Gait Test

Gait Test

Each colony in the Visual Burrow System is housed in a rectangular acrylic chamber

Visual Burrow System

Horizontal Grid Test

Vertical Grid Test

Stairway Test Apparatus originally described in the literature for MCAO stroke models in rats by Boltze et al (2006) in Germany

Stairway Test

Triple Test Maze is an integration of three well-known tests of anxiety/emotionality

Triple Test Maze

Hoarding behavior has been described in many places in the literature, however this variant reviewed by Deacon (2012) is the standard offered by MazeEngineers

Hoarding Apparatus

Ladder Rewarded Elevated Plus Maze by Maze Engineers

Ladder Rewarded Elevated Plus Maze

Magnetic self administration runway apparatus consists of parallel magnetic rails, set a few centimeters apart from each other

Magnetic Self Administration Runway

Morris Water Maze T insert

Morris Water T Maze Insert

Mazeengineers modification of the Y maze includes two removable rectangular wire grid cages for social interaction

Social Y Maze

Elevated Asymmetric Plus maze is an apparatus first described by Ruarte et al (1997) as a method to encourage explorative behavior in the rat

Elevated Asymmetric Plus Maze

Win Stay Maze

Sensory Control Of The White Rat In The Maze Habit

Dennis 1929: The Sensory Control of the White Rat in the Maze Habit

3D Open Field apparatus consists of an open, elevated platform with two opposite ends equipped with mesh slopes that are capable of being positioned at varying angles

3D Open Field