Bussey-Saksida Touch Screen Operant Conditioning Chamber

Bussey-Saksida Touch Screen Operant Conditioning Chamber

Automated Open Field

Automated Open Field

Rodent Tremor Monitor

Rodent Tremor Monitor

Operant Conditioning

Operant Conditioning

Custom Home Cage Monitoring System

Custom Home Cage Monitoring System

Rodent Rotometry Monitoring Device (Rotameter)

Automated Skilled Forelimb

Automated Zebrafish T Maze

Rodent Auditory Brainstem Response Test

General Rodent Activity System

Activity Hole Board

Zebrafish_swim_tunnel_01__00005 (2019_02_08 19_22_31 UTC)

Zebrafish Swim Tunnel

Multiple layers in the Smartcage system allows for flexible modularity in the system

AutoSom System

Visual X Maze (ViS4M)

Active Place Avoidance

Active Place Avoidance APA

AeroDeliver System

AeroDeliver System

SmartCage System

Mechanical Conflict Test

Mechanical Conflict Test

Automated Hole Board

Automated Hole Board

Automated Conditioned Place Preference

Automated Conditioned Place Preference

The Automated Y maze is an enclosed apparatus in the form of a Y placed horizontally

Automated Y Maze

Automated 8 Arm Radial Maze

Automated T Maze