Six Alley Task requires that the animal remember and select a correct arm out of a set of geometrically similar

Six Alley Maze

Four Box Maze

The sentinel use of the I maze was to investigate the influence of habituation and drug treatments

I Maze

E Maze

H Maze

Double Y-Maze is used in the evaluation of mnemonic functions in rodents

Double Y Maze

Circular Light-Dark box (CLDB) consists of a circular alley with an inner and outer wall that is a variant of the light dark box

Circular Light-Dark box

The four-compartment environment is made from acrylic and consists of four rectangular boxes.

W Maze

Double H Maze

Double H Maze

Crossword Maze

Town Maze

Town Maze

Active Place Avoidance

Active Place Avoidance APA

Figure 8 Maze

Figure 8 Maze



AeroDeliver System

AeroDeliver System

SmartCage System

Flex Maze

Flex Maze

Self Administration Chamber

Pulsepal Integration

Matlab Integration

Neuralynx Integration

Operant chamber, Maze Engineers

Five Choice Serial Reaction Time Task (5CSRTT)

Cincinnati Water Maze

Sound Attenuating Chamber

Climbing Tower: Resistance Exercise System

Object Space Task

Incline Rolling Ladder

Incline Rolling Ladder

Tail Flick Test

Electric Von Frey

Dry Morris Water Maze