Discrimination Apparatus (Lashley jump stand, constructed as described by Carvell and Simons (1990) for rats and adjusted for mice) consisted of three wooden platforms (one start platform and two choice platforms) that were elevated above a base.

The distance between the start platform and the choice platforms could be adjusted. The distance between choice platforms was adjusted in a way that mice couldn’t reach both discriminanda simultaneously.

Mazeengineers offer the Roughness Discrimination Apparatus.

Price & Dimensions


$ 1490

  • Height of platform above base: 19cm
  • Rough-grain sandpaper rough-grain size: 190m
  • Smooth-grain sandpaper rough-grain size: 50m
  • Size of each discriminandum: 2×7.5 cm


$ 1590

  • Height of platform above base: 19cm
  • Rough-grain sandpaper rough-grain size: 253m
  • Smooth-grain sandpaper rough-grain size: 67m
  • Size of each discriminandum: 2.7×10 cm