The Activity System is an automated system used to observe, record, and analyze rodents’ locomotor and behavioral activity levels.
Split T Maze
Alley Maze
The Alley maze is used to assess exploratory behavior in mice and rats. Learn more.
Elevated Asymmetric Plus Maze
The Asymmetric Plus Maze is designed for evaluating the mechanisms of exploratory motivation and fear in rodents.
3D Open Field
The 3D Open Field apparatus consists of an open, elevated platform with two opposite ends equipped with mesh slopes that are capable of being positioned at varying angles to create different combinations of the apparatus setup.
Continuous Novel Object Recognition
The Continuous Novel Object Recognition is a unique apparatus for complex recognition tasks that allows collecting more data while using fewer subjects.
Novel Object Recognition Assay
Novel Object Recognition test is an ideal method to measure short-term or working memory through discrimination between familiar and unfamiliar stimuli.
MWM Open Field Tower
The open-field tower maze (OFTM) is a unique behavioral task in neuroscience used to examine the nature and mechanism of spatial learning and memory in rodents; with specific emphasis on place- and response-learning.
Rondi Reig Star Maze
The original Star maze was described in the literature by Dr. Laure Rondi-Reig as a method to study spatial navigation and its two different orientation systems, allocentric and egocentric navigation.
Mammalian Diving Response Apparatus
Perform your scientific experiment and collect useful data by means of The Mammalian Diving Response designed to evaluate diving reflexes in rodents.