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1. Air Puff Components

  • 32-ft long air tubing (blue host) between the air compressor and the solenoid box
  • Solenoid box
  • 5 12-ft long clear air tubing between the solenoid box and treadmill
  • 1 cable between the solenoid box and the control box

2. Air Puff Component Connections

2.1 Connection of sensors installed in covers to the treadmill

2.2 Air tubing connections between treadmill and solenoid box

2.3 Air input to solenoid box (blue air host between solenoid box and air compressor)

2.4 Connection between solenoid box and control box

2.5 Connection to air compressor

One 32 feet tubing and tube fitting are provided. If you need additional tube fitting, it can be found on

Two pieces of steel plug are provided. If you need additional pieces, they can be found in Home Depot or online.

2.6 Air compressor

The air compressor of around 8kg / cm2 is required (110 psi)

Air compressor can be purchased in Home Depot or online. Some labs provide central air. Below is an expensive model our clients are using:

3. Software Setting

In order for air puff or shock to work, the covers have to be put in place because the sensors inside the covers are required to detect the animal moves.

There are two buttons on the control screen:

Gas – when the button is pressed, the air stimulus is enabled. When the button is released, the air stimulus is disabled.

Gas_T – if the value is none, the air puff will continue to work every time the animal is in the grid area. If the value is set to a number, say 5, the air puff will be delivered 5 times.

Note that the air puff and shock can work at the same time if both of them are enabled.

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